Sunday Times Best Places to Work powered by WorkL

The Sunday Times Best Places to Work powered by WorkL Experience

About The Awards

The Sunday Times Best Places to Work Awards, powered by WorkL, recognises organisations who have consistently high levels of employee experience and wellbeing in the UK.

There are awards available for the best small, medium, big and very big organisations plus best workplaces for women, LGBTQ+ community, disabled employees, ethnic minorities, younger and older workers and for wellbeing.

By entering the awards, your organisation has the opportunity to showcase themselves as one of the UK’s top organisations excelling in employee experience.

The benefits include:
● Receiving recognition by The Sunday Times as a ‘Best Place to Work’ can transform your brand image and help you to stand out as one of the top employers in the United Kingdom.
● Showcasing the employee experience you provide could help to recruit and retrain the best talent for your organisation.
● By entering the awards, you will receive your data on a user-friendly dashboard that pinpoints your areas for celebration and improvement.
● With one entry in the awards you will be considered for all categories relevant to your business
● Receive a rolling digital subscriptions for The Times and The Sunday Times

Awards Industries

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