good acceptance speech

If you’ve recently achieved something huge within your business, it’s time to shout about it and get some recognition for your hard work. Business awards offer you the opportunity to showcase your success, validate your efforts, and boost your company’s profile.

But how do you win?

In this blog, we’ll share the tips you need to win business awards so you can enhance your credibility, attract new customers, and inspire your team.

Pick the right awards to enter

There are so many business awards available to enter in almost every category and industry. From Entrepreneur of the Year awards to Healthcare Business of the Year, the list of business awards is endless.

With a lot of time, money, and effort at stake, it’s important you choose your award carefully, not just the one that might seem ‘the best’. It must be an award that is relevant to your business, your achievements, and your story. And while a win is never guaranteed. It’s important to give yourself the best chance by considering the award category carefully.

Do your homework

Leave enough time before the deadline to thoroughly research the award, read the instructions, and pull together an awards strategy. If you rush into award entry writing, you’ll likely be caught out in terms of eligibility, criteria, or word count.

When writing your award entry, make sure you address every entry question in full without losing track. Break down the questions into smaller chunks that are easy to digest and make sure you’re always clear and concise without babbling.

Choose the relevant evidence

When selecting the relevant evidence for your business award entry, it’s essential to focus on data and examples that directly align with the award’s criteria and objectives. Make sure you fully understand what the judges are looking for, which could be:

  • Innovation
  • Financial growth
  • Community Impact
  • Customer satisfaction

Use the award guidelines as a blueprint to determine the most important significant parts of your business to highlight. For example, if the award emphasises innovation, you can showcase new products, services, or processes your company has developed.

Involve as many people as possible

There’s safety in numbers, and even if you feel confident that you know the ins and outs of your project or story, there may have been something that was overlooked. Interview as many people as possible who were involved or had an interest in the project, as this will ensure you have all relevant information and data.

This also refers to proofing and checking. Ask different members of your team, business partners, and even friends and family to check for spelling mistakes or areas that could be reworded. The judges are unlikely to know your industry as well as you do, so it might be worth getting someone to read your draft submission who is equally as objective.

Refine and recycle

With so many business awards available, it's a missed opportunity not to maximise your efforts. Enter multiple awards, both local and international, to share your story widely. Whether you win a trophy or come close, you can often repurpose your narrative to fit other relevant awards. So, why not give it a shot?

If you don't win, don't be disheartened. Seek feedback from the judges, embrace constructive criticism, and use it to improve. Having an awards plan will keep you ahead, ensuring you present your best self every time.

Looking to win some awards?

At August Awards, we can help you win the most prestigious business awards through compelling award entry writing and award strategy. Our tailored approach will help you craft compelling award submissions that highlight your unique achievements, innovations, and impact. From selecting the right awards to perfecting your application, we ensure your story stands out to the judges. Get in touch with us now to see how we can help you.

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