how to dress for awards ceremonies

Going to an awards ceremony can be daunting, especially if this is your first time at an awards event. But fear not: our helpful guide is full of tips to ensure you roll up feeling self-assured and looking flawless.

Dress Codes

When figuring out what to wear, the first port of call should always be the dress code provided to you on your event invitation. By using this as a starting point for judging how formal or informal you will be expected to dress, you can get creative and showcase your personality through your attire in line with the dress code provided. This could involve colours, fabrics, cuts, or even traditional cultural dress. Never shy away from sharing the outfits that are special to you!


Daytime awards presentation events will usually have a business dress code. For this, you will be expected to wear whatever you would feel comfortable wearing to work at the office on a daily basis, or an outfit you would pick out to attend another business event, such as a client meeting or corporate lunch.


A cocktail dress code is about looking polished and poised without feeling overdone. Depending on your gender, you can choose between a dress, just above or at the knee, or a suit, but not necessarily with a jacket or tie. This dress code is forgiving and allows you freedom to have fun with colours and fabrics.


Often associated with occasions such as weddings and christenings, a formal dress code will require more stately attire. Depending on your gender, you can choose between a longer length gown or a complete suit with a tie. Generally, the darker the colour, the more formal the outfit is considered to be, but this may vary seasonally.

Black Tie

This dress code will be chosen for the most formal of awards ceremonies. Depending on your gender, you will be expected to wear either a cocktail length or full length dress, a tailored jumpsuit, a formal suit or even a tuxedo. Try to select clothing in an evening-appropriate fabric such as velvet, satin, and lace.

Industry Types

The type of industry the awards event is being held for can influence the expected attire. Often, an event’s dress code will reflect the unique work culture and values of a given industry. Understanding these nuances will be crucial to understanding how to dress for your upcoming awards event.

Creative Awards

Awards for the creative industries such as media and design will often encourage self-expression and individuality. These awards events will often take a more relaxed approach to evening wear, encouraging attendees to be authentically themselves and showcase their personal flair.

Entrepreneurial Awards

Entrepreneurial awards, especially those celebrating young entrepreneurs, are a fantastic opportunity to get creative and showcase your personal brand. Whether you have a unique style to share or feel your best when dressed more traditionally, the choice is yours.

Corporate Awards

If you are attending an awards night for a corporate company, this more traditional environment may signpost you to a more traditional dress code with safer colours and cuts.

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