Why “August”?
As well as being the eighth month of the calendar year, “August” also means ‘respected and impressive’ – describing up the reputation we strive to earn.
How long have you been helping people win awards?
Our Founder, Donna O’Toole, started working in the awards' industry in 2012, gaining extensive experience that has been instrumental in establishing the August name as a global awards agency.
What are your success rates in winning awards?
Our success rates are exceptional. 9 out of 10 of our full-service clients win when we write their awards and create their presentations. 85% of our entries reach the awards finals, and over 75% of those win an award.
Are you part of a bigger group?
Yes. On 30th April 2021, we became a part of Dent – a multi-award-winning training organisation that services over 3,500 clients globally from head offices in London, Sydney, and Toronto. We will, of course, continue to offer the same fantastic service to our clients. The partnership has made us even stronger, and better connected.
Do you work internationally to help clients win awards?
Yes, we do. We have worked with clients to win awards in numerous countries across different continents, whilst we also have a great understanding of international awards.
What is August Recognition's Vision?
To see great people get recognised, and outstanding behaviours get rewarded.
What is August Recognition's Mission as a global awards agency?
Our Mission is to empower businesses, teams, and individuals with the trust, credibility, and authority to build a better future for themselves and others across the world.
Discover how our Mission, Vision, and Values work together to create the unique business that we are.
What are August Recognition's company values?
We pride ourselves on three core values that epitomise everything about our business:
- We will always operate with Clarity to ensure the process is as transparent and clear as possible for you.
- Our Confidence stems from our excellent success rates and the strength of our experienced team – by working with us, we will ensure that you are confident, positive, and bold in your awards journey.
- Our final value, Commitment, is evident in every facet of our operations – whether it’s our determination to make you a winner, our carefully crafted awards entries, or our dedication to customer care.
Who do you have in your team?
You learn more about the team on our Meet the Team page here.
Is it time to start your awards journey?
Our FREE Get Awards Ready scorecard benchmarks your current ability to win awards — by identifying how to increase your chances of winning.
It takes less than five minutes to complete, and you'll receive a FREE report showing your strengths and weaknesses.