How the Coronavirus is affecting the awards industry

These last few weeks have been totally surreal.

Last year, when the awards industry was planning its 2020 calendar of events, it did not expect to be re-planning them just a few months later, in possibly the most challenging circumstances any of us have ever known.

So naturally, after getting past the initial shock of the arrival of COVID-19 into our lives, and making all the necessary checks on our families, friends, colleagues, customers and connections. And after giving huge thanks for the incredible heroes looking after us all on the front line of hospitals, schools, shops and more, our conversations have turned to business.

The most popular business question I have answered all week is undoubtedly:

“So, what’s happening in the awards industry?”

And my answer has been simple.

“The show must go on!”

Because that’s precisely what I’ve been told by awards organisers around the world. And my goodness, they are rising to the challenge!

But before I give you the industry insights, and feedback from some of our most beloved awards programmes, I need to be clear about something.

Awards are NOT about shiny trophies, sparkly dresses, and penguin suits.

Awards are about PEOPLE.

  • The thousands of people who work in awards teams to deliver exciting, engaging awards programmes to recognise the best businesses and individuals across every industry.
  • The thousands of people who work in hospitality and events day and night to create and implement the spectacular ceremonies that bring your teams together.
  • The thousands of people who apply their expertise to every single awards programme with lighting, music, sound, and film as well as the artistes who entertain us.
  • The thousands of people who spend their ‘spare’ time judging your award entries and pouring over the tiniest details to find the right winners.
  • The thousands of people who work in awards, marketing, and PR agencies to support businesses and individuals to raise their profile through winning awards.
  • And the thousands upon thousands of people who work so hard every year in their businesses, departments, and teams to deliver the projects that are so worthy of awards recognition.

ALL these people matter to the awards industry.

And right now, they are ALL pulling together to do quite literally everything in their power to bring you the best awards you will ever experience. Despite the challenges.


Because we, the industry, are passionate about our purpose.

We are proud of our people and our skills.

And we are positive that we can help you to come through this incredibly difficult time with a stronger brand and a higher profile than ever before, so that you can move into the coming years with all the power you need to succeed.

We know the value that professional, credible recognition will bring to your business. We see the millions of pounds of business that happen at every awards ceremony. We experience the incredible partnerships and friendships made at the events. And we feel the power and energy that recognition gives to YOUR people and YOUR brands.

Right then…so what IS happening in the awards industry?

Adaption. Adoption. Innovation. That’s what.

The awards ceremonies due to take place over the next few months are either adapting and moving their ceremony to a later date, or they are adopting new technologies and innovating to take their celebrations online.

So there is no need for you to miss out on a single trophy, and you might even find that you end up with more time to prepare, and more valuable digital assets to promote you than ever before!

Remember, awards look BACK at what you have already achieved – so you can take advantage of this and use your growth from the last few years to help you get some positive PR for the years ahead.

We’ll also be setting up our training online, so you’ll be able to use your time wisely to upskill and prepare for your next award entries very soon, too.

Personally, my hopes for when we come through this, are that we will have grown as people, supported each other, innovated for good, and that the awards industry will be recognising people and brands for their incredible and heroic behaviour, resilience, partnerships, collaborations, crisis management and above all else, kindness.

Stay strong. Stay safe.

Together, we will win.

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