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The perfect stage for top business leaders to share cutting-edge practices, learn about latest industry developments and receive recognition for their inspiring successes. Regardless of your location or industry, if you are dedicated to excellence, growth, innovation, and providing the best for your customers, employees, and stakeholders, International Business Excellence…
Check the International Business Excellence Awards™ (IBXA UK) entry requirements…
Recognising those within their respective regional tech / web industries that have shown outstanding achievements in business and service to the community.
Check the Global Startup Awards entry requirements…
Recognising and celebrating exceptional achievements across a diverse range of categories, spanning customer service, innovation, marketing, leadership, and more.
Check the Globee Business Awards entry requirements…
Presented by Startup Magazine are shining a light on startups and serve as a benchmark for startups and entrepreneurs
Check the Hustle Awards entry requirements…
Inc. Best in Business Awards celebrate companies of all sises and industries that have made an extraordinary impact in their fields and on society this year.
Check the Inc. Best in Business Awards entry requirements…
Recognising the overall best brands, as well as additional honourees on category-specific lists based on region, sise, and status. Applications will be judged on relevancy, cultural impact, ingenuity, and business impact.
Check the Fast Company’s Brands That Matter entry requirements…
The only independent business awards program judged each year by prominent editors and reporters from top-tier publications, from Associated Press to Wall Street Journal.
Check the Best in Biz Awards entry requirements…
The Business Book Awards in partnership with Pathway Group celebrates the work of authors who have shared their industry or market knowledge, experience and expertise in published book form. With nearly half a million new business start-ups in the UK annually, the need and demand for business knowledge is greater…
Check the The Business Book Awards entry requirements…
One of the most prestigious accolades a company can receive, as well as one of the world’s largest cross-industry, cross border business competitions.
Check the European Business Awards entry requirements…
One of the largest virtual Customer Experience knowledge sharing events in Europe. 2 days of celebration packed with business best practice stories, 130 real world case studies and networking opportunities.
Check the European Customer Centricity Awards entry requirements…
In partnership with Statista, the German data provider, will seek to identify the 1,000 European companies with the strongest revenue growth between 2017 and 2020.
Check the Financial Times 1000 Fastest Growing Companies (Europe) entry requirements…
One of the world’s premier business awards programs and business ranking lists.
Check the Globee Disruptor entry requirements…