Kings Birthday Honours 2024

The King's Birthday Honours list is a much-anticipated annual event that celebrates remarkable contributions across various sectors of society. From pioneering scientists to dedicated community volunteers, the 2024 Birthday Honours list is poised to honour those whose outstanding achievements have made a significant impact on the United Kingdom and beyond.

Of the 1,077 people who received an award in the 2024 King's Birthday Honours List;

  • 948 candidates have been selected at BEM, MBE, and OBE level:
    • 300 at BEM
    • 425 at MBE
    • 223 at OBE
  • 692 (64%) of the recipients are people who have undertaken outstanding work in their communities, either in a voluntary or paid capacity;
  • 713 (66%) of the recipients live outside of London and the South East
  • 509 women are recognised in the List, representing 48% of the total:
  • 40% of recipients at CBE level and above are women;
  • 10% of the successful candidates come from an ethnic minority background:

The Significance of the King's Birthday Honours

The King's Birthday Honours list, announced annually on the official birthday of the monarch, is a cornerstone of British tradition. It highlights the dedication and accomplishments of individuals in diverse fields, from public service and the arts to sciences and charity work. These honours not only recognise personal achievement but also inspire others to contribute positively to society.

Key Highlights of the 2024 Honours List

Innovative Scientists and Technologists

This year, several pioneers in science and technology are celebrated for their groundbreaking research and innovation. These honourees have made strides in fields such as artificial intelligence, environmental science, and medical research, showcasing the UK's leadership in cutting-edge developments.

Arts and Culture Champions

The 2024 list features a vibrant mix of artists, musicians, and cultural leaders whose work has enriched the UK’s cultural landscape. Their creative contributions have not only entertained, but also provoked thought and dialogue on important social issues.

Healthcare Heroes

Amid ongoing challenges in global health, the honours list acknowledges the tireless efforts of healthcare professionals and researchers. From frontline workers to those involved in vaccine development, these individuals have demonstrated unwavering commitment to public health.

Community and Voluntary Service

Recognising the unsung heroes of local communities, the honours celebrate those who have dedicated their lives to volunteering and community service. Their selfless work in supporting vulnerable populations and fostering community spirit is truly commendable.

Notable Recipients

Over 1,000 people from across the UK have received honours in HM The King’s Birthday Honours List 2024. Recipients include;

Founders of the 3 Dads Walking campaign, Michael Palmer, Andrew Airey, and Timothy Owen, each receive an MBE for services to the prevention of young suicide. After losing their daughters to suicide, the three dads have walked across the UK to raise awareness of suicide in young people and raise funds for charity Papyrus UK.

Dean Jackson, founder of wetsuit company HUUB, receives an MBE for services to business and innovation. In 2011, Dean noticed a gap in the market after seeing little advancement in wetsuit design and performance. HUUB is now worn by many of the world’s top athletes, including the Brownlee brothers, and has since expanded its products into cycling gear as well.

Peterborough businessman and Engineer, John Hill, has received an OBE for services to small businesses, to local economic development and to higher education as well as the research institutes sector. John played a key role in the creation of the city’s university as director of business and skills for the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority.

Public figures including Alan Bates, founder of Justice for Subpostmasters Alliance, receives a Knighthood for services to justice. Autobiographical and Confessional Artist Tracey Emin receives a Damehood for services to art. Harry Potter, and The Crown Actress Imelda Staunton also receives a Damehood for services to drama and to charity.

The Impact of Receiving an Honour

Being named in the King's Birthday Honours list is more than just a personal accolade; it carries significant societal implications.

Honourees often experience increased visibility and credibility, which can enhance their ability to effect change. For instance, receiving an honour can open doors to new funding opportunities, collaborative projects, and platforms to further their work.

Additionally, these recognitions serve to highlight important issues and sectors, encouraging public and private support. For example, honours awarded to climate scientists and healthcare workers underscore the critical importance of these fields, potentially influencing policy and funding decisions.

How to Get Nominated

Nominations for the King's Birthday Honours are open to the public, allowing anyone to put forward individuals they believe deserve recognition. The nomination process involves submitting detailed information about the nominee’s achievements and impact. A rigorous selection process ensures that honours are awarded based on merit and the significance of contributions to society.

To nominate someone, you can visit the official honours nomination website and follow the guidelines provided. It's essential to provide comprehensive evidence of the nominee’s achievements and the positive impact of their work.

The 2024 King's Birthday Honours list is a testament to the extraordinary efforts of individuals across the UK. By recognising their contributions, the honours not only celebrate personal achievements but also inspire others to strive for excellence and make a positive impact on society. As we celebrate these honourees, we are reminded of the power of dedication, innovation, and community spirit in shaping a better future.

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